The world of Heart

On August 24, 2016, a group of astronomers discovered that the closest star to our solar system, Proxima Centauri, has a planet. What is even more interesting is that this M dwarf, dubbed Proxima Centauri b, lies at a distance from its sun that might yield just the right temperature …

100 stories of Heart. Papers. Border.

When we started Heart. Papers. Border., we never really thought that this game would become a commercial success. The project had two main purposes: to let us express a future we both wish for and to allow us to experiment with a bunch of stuff we really wanted to learn …


Making games is easy, anyone can do it. We really have to push Heart. Papers. Border. in Early Access as soon as possible, but the game’s loop is incomplete without a properly functioning blog and influence system, to the very least. We prioritised the blog because it is the most confusing feature …

On game releases and death bed wishes

There is a universal game development truth which lurks in what we all call milestones. The single, most terrifying milestone know to the gamedev man is The Release. A milestone, especially of The Release kind, means endless crunch, generously dedicated to polish stuff that otherwise was perfectly fine. Even if …

Still Alive – Summer version

Spring is always an intense month for game developers, due to game trade shows. Travelling can be extremely fulfilling, but the downside is, that’s time not spent developing. For those curious to know what we did at Creative Coast and Nordic Games Conference, there’s photo coverage HERE, HERE and my …

Spring Screenshots for Heart. Papers. Border.

We are preparing for Reboot Develop where we will participate in the Indie Award contest and the Nordic Game Discovery Contest! To submit our game for both of these contest, we need to provide new gameplay footage as well as a fresh new set of screenshots. Heart. Papers. Border. Gameplay …

Heart. Papers. Border joins the Sweden Game Arena hub!

We are super happy to announce that we have officially joined the Sweden Game Arena hub! This means that from now on, the chances of finding us wherever Sweden Game Arena is are pretty big.But what IS Sweden Game Arena? 

Random gamedev thoughts

Here’s me following my own advice: Frankly, though, be honest&raw&really talk about what matters TO YOU. Help! Talk about what u wish u knew when u started. #gamedev #indedev — Laura Bularca (@sarienn) March 8, 2017 Switching between gamedev and marketing hats is very tiresome Even if you love …