
Jovian Industries
Based in Skövde, Sweden

Release date:
Summer 2017

PC / Mac
Apple App Store


Regular Price:



Heart. Papers. Border. is an optimistic strategy game about travelling, freedom and changing the world. You are a freelance adventurer who wants to experience everything planet Heart has to offer, regardless of the inherited privileges determined by the country of your birth, and by the bureaucracy you encounter while crossing so many borders. You travel to learn, and as you pay a closer attention to what each country has to offer, you gather wisdom that you channel in a blog that grows in popularity. Eventually you come to grasp the power of your influence: where you pass, things change to the better, and locals that you have met increasingly demand openness from their governments. You have always been an optimist and dreamed of a completely border free world, but as you travel, you realise your influence could make your dream come true in your lifetime.


Heart. Papers. Border. was born as a concept in spring 2016 and full development started in the autumn of the same year. We intend to develop Heart. Papers. Border. with full transparency and as a long term service.


  • TRAVEL! Explore an alien, yet surprisingly familiar planet that MIGHT have been colonised by humans a long, long time ago
  • EXPERIENCE! Visit impressive landmarks, natural or man made, and get a glimpse of the stories they hold
  • DISCOVER! Learn about off the beaten path locations only locals know about - they hold the best stories!
  • BLOG! Give the stories you learn and experiences you are going through a global audience
  • CHANGE THE WORLD! Notice how your growing influence has an impact


Heart.Papers.Border. Pre-Alpha Trailer YouTube

IndieHangover Heart.Papers.Border. Pre-Alpha Demo Gameplay YouTube

Jupi Plays Indie Games: Heart. Papers. Border. [Alpha-Demo] YouTube

Heart.Papers.Border. Pre-Alpha Demo Gameplay YouTube


There are currently no screenshots available for HEART.PAPERS.BORDER.. Check back later for more or contact us for specific requests!

There are currently no logos or icons available for HEART.PAPERS.BORDER.. Check back later for more or contact us for specific requests!

Selected Articles

  • "Heart. Papers. Border. initially attracted my attention through its vibrant and colorful visuals. The retro-futuristic world being created by Jovian Industries looked inviting, exciting and ready to explored. Once I started learning more about what Heart. Papers. Border. was, it all started to make more sense; An optimistic game casting you as a travel blogger exploring the world of Heart, Heart. Papers. Border., which is now on Steam Greenlight, explores the idea of travel, immigration, and borders in a hopeful way, and has a great foundation to build on."
    - Jacob Wood, IndieHangover
  • "Heart. Papers. Border sounds like a lovely game and so relevant to the travel issues and privilege I talk about a lot."
    - Rami Ismail, Rami Ismail Blog
  • "Heart Papers Border is a promising game with a really unique theme"
    - Armin Ibrisagic, DoubleMoose

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Music by the absolutely amazing
RETRO BROTHERS twitter.com.

Release Blogs
We try to write devlogs, but they usually shift into something else... laurabularca.com.

About Jovian Industries

Jovian Industries is an independent studio specialized in small scale video games development and also in media and photographic services aimed for organizations and private companies.

More information
More information on Jovian Industries, our logo & relevant media are available here.


Sebastian Bularca
Owner, Full Time Coder, Systems Design, Jovian Industries

Laura Bularca
Creative Director, Planner and PM, Twitter-er, Facebook-er and other Social Network-er, game design. Also writes stuff and plays with Illustrator

Pontus Lunden
Evil genius concept artist

Retro Brothers
Sweet, Sweet Music and SFX

presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks